Friday, November 28, 2008

Wild Animal Park

We had a fun time last week with Grandpa Green at the Wild Animal Park. It was Rileys first time to the zoo and she loved it. First of all, if you know Riley, you know she loves to dance. Everytime she would hear the african music she would stop what she was doing and start dancing. It took a while for us to get to our destinations because she just had to stop and dance. She was fascinated with the birds at the bird show. She saw eagles , falcons, condors, and all sorts of others. We even saw them feed which was kind of gross since they eat mice. Riley went into the petting zoo and got to see some deer hanging out. We went on the Journey into Africa tour ride and got to see so many amazing animals. It was a blast. I definately recommend it . It was a great day, the weather was beautiful, the animals were sweet, and Riley behaved. A success, if I do say so myself.

Round Two

For those of you who dont know, our little family of three will soon be a family of four. Yes, indeed, we are pregnant. AHHHHHHHHHHH! Can you believe it. its crazy, I know, but we figure we might as well have another. Rileys soo darn cute, we cant wait to see what the next one is like. We're due May 31st next year, so i'm currently 13 weeks pregos. Its been a rollercoaster ride. I've been hugging the toilet the past couple months and finding myself ridiculously emotional (I cry for the lamest things). Its all just part of the process, but we are very excited.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Halloween 08

This was Rileys first Halloween dressing up. she was a beautiful little pink fairy. We curled her hair and put red sparkles on her cheeks ( which she managed to smudge off just 10 minutes later). We took her out to visit the grandmas and take some pictures, but by the time we were ready to do some trick or treating, she was pretty beat. Oh well, maybe next year .